Sunday, September 21, 2008

Before i Turn 30 or DIE

I can still remember my first RUN. I was an 8th grader at Taylor Junior High and had the coolest history teacher -Mr. Levenski (SP). Every morning before class he would start out talking about what he did that morning or the night before or other random things. He was a distance runner and told us about his runs alot. I loved listening to him talk about how much he enjoyed his runs. At the end of 8th grade he told us that he was going to help coach the long distance team on the 9th grade track team. He invited all of us to go on a run with him that afternoon (2 miles) to see if we might like it and to join the long distance team. I loved the idea and signed up. My friends all thought i was crazy. I can still remember running that day and how i really thought i was going to die. It was so hot (mind you it was MAY in Arizona). But i FINISHED the run and my blood was pumping - it was the best adrenaline high EVER! i was hooked. I ran long distance my 9th grade year and cross country all through high school. i really loved the way a good long run made me feel. I loved while i ran i could think and clear my head and just take it easy - life was simple and good. Being outside and feeling the sun on my face was theraputic. The past 10 years (wow that is shocking to realize how long i have been out of high school) i havent been running like i did then. Single life was crazy and busy and i rarely found time for a good long run. Then married life got even more crazy and busy and i never found time for a run. I went in spurts - i would run for a few weeks/months and then it would fade away.

I have really missed it. i miss getting up in the morning putting my headphones on and going outside. Running down the street watching other people out and wondering what they are like and their lifes. Watching all the cars go by and doing the same thing - letting my imagination just go with it. The sun on my face does wonder for this girl - i guess after living in AZ for 15+ years it really DOES become a part you. i love you burn me when i walk outside, 115 degree melt me AZ SUN.

I always told myself i would run a marathon before i was 30. it was one of those FAR OFF things i told myself as a kid i would do. WELL BUGGER....i turn 29 in a few weeks and i dont have much time left. SO...i am ready to kick my butt into gear. I am training for a 1/2 marathon (PHX YMCA Half Marathon) on October 25th. Then i am goign to continue going for a FULL marathong in Austin Texas on Feb. 15th.

This is going to be my TRAINING i can keep record of my runs/cross training and track my progress.